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Jamaican Wild Crafted Purple Sea Moss Gel

THE HEALING MERMAID LLC is proud to present our line of Jamaican Wild Crafted Purple Sea Moss Gel!!!

Our sea moss gel is made with quality products, including sea moss direct from Jamaica and the finest herbs.  We wash and soak our sea moss in alkaline water, which has also been charged by the full moon and infused with Reiki!

Super food, super charged with ancient energy currents and an infinite source of life energy!!!

What benefits does water charged by the moon provide, one might ask...

Lunar energy is useful for many benefits such as cleansing and recharging your body, mind, and spirit.

Infusing our water with Reiki offers amazing benefits as well...

Our cells, blood and breath, all of these are made up of water.  Our digestive system uses water in its process, and on and on…

So, when we add Reiki to our food or drink – it helps the molecules to detoxify, balance and align into an organized system.

The energized water or food becomes part of us when we consume it.



Jamaican Sea Moss vs Irish Sea Moss and the Confusion Explained

Sea moss is an amazing marine vegetable that is full of awesome, beneficial properties.  Sea moss can be classified as a superfood due to its incredible density of nutrients.


Sea Moss would be the generic name given to multiple species of seaweed. Two of the most popular species on the market are:  Genus Gracilaria, AKA Jamaican Sea Moss (strand-like or grass-like, such as the sea moss you are most likely to encounter), and Chondrus Crispus, AKA Irish Sea Moss (more fan-like, leafy and flatter than the other species).  They are both referred to as sea moss but they are very different from each other.  


Gracilaria grows abundantly in warmer waters like the Solomon Sea, Java Sea, Celebes Sea, Caribbean Sea, the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.


The waters that Gracilaria prefers are warm, wild and moving, not still waters. These waters are open currants, normally and consistently flowing, and they tend to be much clearer waters as well.


Chondrus Crispus is rarer by comparison and tends to grow more slowly in the cooler waters of the Northern Atlantic.  It got the "Irish Sea Moss" from where it is locally grown.  To be specific, these are shores in Europe and North America.  The Irish consumed a lot of this species of sea weed in the 1840's during the Irish Potato Famine.  It became the main source of sustenance for the Irish people who lived in coastal areas between 1845 and 1849 during the height of the famine. After the famine had passed, the sea moss was no longer consumed as frequently. 


Just to reiterate, and get us all on the same page...


The name Irish Sea moss or Irish Moss has become a marketing sensation, so much so, that the name has been carelessly tossed around and printed on many labels for the sake of advertising. Although both species are referred to as Irish Sea Moss, they have different scientific names:  1. Genus Gracilaria and 2.  Chondrus Crispus


To be clear, the Sea Moss that Dr. Sebi was referring to (although he used the names interchangeably as well) was the sea moss he held up during an interview (Genus Gracilaria), and described the growing conditions and climate to be similar to that of the Caribbean, most specifically Jamaica.


The sea moss we source is collected and harvested from the warm and clear Caribbean waters of Jamaica.  Divers wait for the tides to go down and collect the sea weed, which is then layed out to sun-dry.  The natural sea salt on the moss is a natural preservative, sustaining the shelf life dramatically when stored properly in a cool, dry place.


Sea moss grows in different variations of colors.  Authentic sea moss that has grown in the ocean naturally and undoubtably will have some form of color variation, or a difference in tones. Batches of sea moss that are one color and uniform in shape and form (perfect), tend to be pool grown and/or (worse) bleached.  Genus Gracilaria is also called "Purple Sea Moss", but more specifically "Jamaican Purple Sea Moss" because this variety also has a range of colors simalr to Chondrus Crispus. Jamaican Sea Moss is a local of the sunny Caribbean and other tropical waters like those in South America, Africa, and Asia.






Food, Additive, Topical Gels

There are countless health benefits that derive from sea moss. Sea moss is a true earth health product.  It is a natural whole food that is widely accepted.  It is a versatile ingredient that can be used as a food additive and also a topical gel.


Sea moss has been proven through many experiences just being used as an expectorant to a multitude of other benefits:


Sea moss is iodine-containing, a lot of iodine.  Iodine is helpful to the thyroid because it helps in the production of T3 and T4 which are the primary secondary messengers for muscle coordination and movement, also in mental health.  The thyroid is also responsible for increasing blood flow by increasing the rate and strength of the heartbeat, increases the growth rate of young children, increases the growth rate of the developing brain cells in the fetus, plays a major role in thought patterns, sexual function, and sleep.  It regulates central and peripheral nervous system function, regulates menstrual cycle, controls cholesterol levels.  The biggest common cause of thyroid dysfunction is iodine deficiency.  Regular consumption of sea moss is good for directly feeding the thyroid.


Sea moss is generous in the amounts of zinc and other minerals that are vital for the reproductive function and health, making it beneficial for anyone who desires an increased sex drive.  Sea moss has anti-inflammatory properties that promote circulation throughout the entire body, especially our reproductive organs. Regular usage for males can benefit areas such as difficulty with sex drive, stamina, erection, and other abnormalities.  Regular usage for females can benefit in areas such as lack of desire, painful sexual experience due to dryness, feminine irritation, and anything else related to this particular area and or topic.



Getting the necessary nutrients from sea moss  can help your overall metabolic rate.  After consuming food, your metabolism converts food into energy for cellular functions, converts food into building and recovery elements for cells, and discards waste after enough food has been processed for the conversions mentioned above.  Sea moss is a great metabolism booster.



Sea moss helps to filter out the germs and other bacteria during blood circulation, helping to reduce or eliminate Arthritis and other joint pain, helps to eliminate the issue of Erectile Dysfunction in men.



Dr. Sebi shared that sea moss is extremely helpful for intra-cellular cleansing.  it is not just the colon, but our cells that are revitalized because sea moss is known to have antiviral, antibacterial, anticoagulant, and antimicrobial properties.



Because of sea moss's high concentration of minerals and its nutrient density, it makes a great appetite suppressant.  Sea moss helps to manage weight through its nutrients by boosting metabolism and increasing thyroid function.  When our systems process efficiently there are no excess fats and glucose in the body.  Suppressing your appetite using sea moss gel is the more natural and healthier way.  When you process sea moss in the gel form, it is easy to add as an ingredient to many food and drinks.  Due to its jelly-like consistency, when sea moss is consumed it passes through the intestines and soothes any inflammation as well as removes toxins.  Sea moss can be consumed regularly and will help to eliminate cravings and as a result bring the body back to its natural weigh based on your level of activity and nutrition.



The human body is made up of 102 minerals and sea moss contains 92 of them.  It also provides a wealth of other important nutrients including; protein, beta-carotene, B vitamins, pectin, vitamin C, sulfur, bromine, calcium, iodine, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, potassium, selenium, zinc, just to name a few.  One of the most important of these nutrients is a sulfur-containing amino acid called taurine, which is more abundant in Jamaican Sea Moss than any other seaweed, a nutrient that is commonly lacking in vegetarian and vegan diets.  Sea moss is an excellent immune boosting food that can be invaluable in the recovery from debilitating illness.  Its high vitamin and mineral content make it the perfect food to replenish and revitalize the body after a long battle with disease.



Aside from consumption, sea moss can be used topically as skin and hair toner and nourishment.  It can be applied directly to the skin.  it works great on sunburns, dermatitis, psoriasis, and eczema. Seamoss is  also filled with natural collagen, which aids in the repair of our skin and connective tissue. *Collagen is the secret to keeping our skin young and wrinkle free.



Sea moss is packed with micronutrients essential to the daily function of the body. Several causes of muscle pain are due to the increase in the production of lactate acid in the body. With the proper nutrients, lactate acid can be broken down properly.  Sea moss provides relief from muscle and joint pain. Whether you are an athlete fitness enthusiast, or perform any kind of heavy lifting, sea moss can help replace the minerals that are depleted from the body when performing rigorous activities.

Please always consult your primary physician to make sure sea moss gel is right for you.  Also, please review our disclaimer.

Sea Turtle




If you have any more questions, please feel free to ask us.


Your questions will be posted and answered here.

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Gratitude & Blessings,


The Healing Mermaid

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